NetIQ AppManager Pre-installation Check Results

This report summarizes the system requirement checks performed on your environment in preparation for installing AppManager.

The Requirement column gives a brief description of each system requirement. The Information column reports details of your environment. The Result column indicates whether the check Passed or Failed.

For more information about a requirement, click the link in the CheckID column.

Computer: JMW3KSRV1
Version: 6.0.51111.1903
Date: Mon May 31 17:33:34 2004

General Windows

CheckID Requirement Information Result
NT_1 Valid Windows login account with Administrator privileges. Administrator privileges. Passed

Microsoft Internet Information Server/Service

CheckID Requirement Information Result
IIS_1 Microsoft Internet Information Server/Service version 4 or higher must be installed. 6.0 Passed
IIS_2 32-bit version of Microsoft Windows. Yes Passed

Microsoft SQL Server - JMW3KSRV1

CheckID Requirement Information Result
SQL_1 Microsoft SQL Server. Version 8.0, Service Pack 3 Passed
SQL_2 Valid SQL Server login. Valid login using sa account and password. Passed
SQL_3 SQL Server performance counters. Installed Passed
SQL_4 SQL security mode Mixed mode Passed

Microsoft WMI Service (WBEM)

CheckID Requirement Information Result
WMI_1 Microsoft WinMgmt service. Installed Passed

Microsoft Terminal Services

CheckID Requirement Information Result
WTS_1 Microsoft Terminal Server Installed Passed
WTS_1 Microsoft Terminal Server Service Installed Passed
WTS_2 32-bit version of Windows Installed Passed

Microsoft Exchange 2000 Server

CheckID Requirement Information Result
EXCH2K_1 Microsoft Exchange 2000 Server. Version 6.5 (Build 6944.4) Passed
EXCH2K_2 Active Directory connection to domain controller. Connection to domain controller. Passed

Unsupported Application Management Modules

CheckID Requirement Information Result
Unsupported Application Management Modules_1 The pre-installation check found the following application management modules that are no longer supported with this version of AppManager have been installed on this computer:

Microsoft Transaction Server
Unsupported objects installed Warning

AppManager client resource monitor

CheckID Requirement Information Result
MC_1 An Intel-based Pentium computer running at 100 MHz (or higher). x86 Family 15 Model 2 Stepping 9 2405 MHz Passed
MC_2 Windows NT SP6a, Windows 2000, Windows XP Professional or Windows 2003. Microsoft Windows Server 2003 (Build 3790) Passed
MC_3 At least 32 MB of RAM. 1016 MB Passed
MC_4.1 At least 25MB of free installation disk space. 19542 MB (on e:) Passed
MC_4.2 At least 30MB of free temporary disk space. 4187 MB (on C:) Passed
MC_5 Port 9998 available. Available Passed
MC_6 (Optional) Microsoft Exchange Client, with a Windows domain account and an Exchange mailbox. Currently not checked N/A
MC_7 Microsoft Data Access Components (MDAC) 2.0 or greater. 2.80.1022.0 Passed
MC_7.1 Microsoft Jet Components 4.00.6807.0 Passed
MC_8 (Optional AppManager report agent) Microsoft Internet Explorer 5 or greater. Version 6.0.3790.0 Passed
MC_10 (Optional AppManager report agent) Microsoft Data Access Components (MDAC) 2.5 or greater. 2.80.1022.0 Passed
MC_11 (Optional) 128-bit Encryption support required for Windows Authentication. Available Passed

NetIQ AppManager Technical Support
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Phone : +1 (503) 223-3023 (select option 2)
Fax : +1 (408) 273-0578
Hours : Mon-Fri 9:00 a.m. to 9:00 p.m. Eastern time USA